# use encoding 'shift-jis'; # Uncomment this to use shift-jis in strings. ALSO uncomment the "no encoding" at the end of the file! # # Example config file. # # Uncomment and edit the options you want to specifically change from the # default values. You must specify ADMIN_PASS, NUKE_PASS, SECRET and the # SQL_ options. # # System config use constant ADMIN_PASS => '93chanth3st0'; # Admin password. For fucks's sake, change this. use constant NUKE_PASS => '93chanth3st0'; # Password to nuke a board. Change this too, NOW! use constant SECRET => 'MIIBHgKBgQCK4So71vMGAtq0665WflILdY4nn8WJyth/cLbWITk4Es/lZ7UWZgEt'; # Cryptographic secret. CHANGE THIS to something totally random, and long. use constant SQL_DBI_SOURCE => 'DBI:mysql:database=93chan_clouds;host=mysql.stanleylieber.com'; # DBI data source string (mysql version, put server and database name in here) use constant SQL_USERNAME => '93chan'; # MySQL login name use constant SQL_PASSWORD => '93chanth3st0'; # MySQL password ##use constant SQL_DBI_SOURCE => 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=wakaba.sql'; # DBI data source string (SQLite version, put database filename in here) ##use constant SQL_USERNAME => ''; # Not used by SQLite ##use constant SQL_PASSWORD => ''; # Not used by SQLite use constant SQL_TABLE => 'comments'; # Table (NOT DATABASE) used by image board #use constant SQL_ADMIN_TABLE => 'admin'; # Table used for admin information #use constant SQL_PROXY_TABLE => 'proxy'; # Table used for proxy information use constant USE_TEMPFILES => 1; # Set this to 1 under Unix and 0 under Windows! (Use tempfiles when creating pages) # Page look use constant TITLE => '/cl/ - Clouds'; # Name of this image board #use constant SHOWTITLETXT => 1; # Show TITLE at top (1: yes 0: no) #use constant SHOWTITLEIMG => 0; # Show image at top (0: no, 1: single, 2: rotating) #use constant TITLEIMG => 'title.jpg'; # Title image (point to a script file if rotating) #use constant FAVICON => 'wakaba.ico'; # Favicon.ico file #use constant HOME => '../'; # Site home directory (up one level by default #use constant IMAGES_PER_PAGE => 10; # Images per page #use constant REPLIES_PER_THREAD => 10; # Replies shown #use constant IMAGE_REPLIES_PER_THREAD => 0; # Number of image replies per thread to show, set to 0 for no limit. #use constant S_ANONAME => 'Anonymous'; # Defines what to print if there is no text entered in the name field #use constant S_ANOTEXT => ''; # Defines what to print if there is no text entered in the comment field #use constant S_ANOTITLE => ''; # Defines what to print if there is no text entered into subject field #use constant SILLY_ANONYMOUS => ''; # Make up silly names for anonymous people (0 or '': don't display, any combination of 'day' or 'board': make names change for each day or board, 'static': static names) #use constant DEFAULT_STYLE => 'Thegreen'; # Title of the default style for the board. # Limitations #use constant MAX_KB => 1000; # Maximum upload size in KB #use constant MAX_W => 200; # Images exceeding this width will be thumbnailed #use constant MAX_H => 200; # Images exceeding this height will be thumbnailed #use constant MAX_RES => 20; # Maximum topic bumps #use constant MAX_POSTS => 500; # Maximum number of posts (set to 0 to disable) #use constant MAX_THREADS => 0; # Maximum number of threads (set to 0 to disable) #use constant MAX_AGE => 0; # Maximum age of a thread in hours (set to 0 to disable) #use constant MAX_MEGABYTES => 0; # Maximum size to use for all images in megabytes (set to 0 to disable) #use constant MAX_FIELD_LENGTH => 100; # Maximum number of characters in subject, name, and email #use constant MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH => 8192; # Maximum number of characters in a comment #use constant MAX_LINES_SHOWN => 15; # Max lines shown per post (0 = no limit) #use constant MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH => 16384; # Maximum width of image before rejecting #use constant MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT => 16384; # Maximum height of image before rejecting #use constant MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS => 50000000; # Maximum width*height of image before rejecting # Captcha #use constant ENABLE_CAPTCHA => 1; #use constant SQL_CAPTCHA_TABLE => 'captcha'; # Use a different captcha table for each board, if you have more than one! #use constant CAPTCHA_LIFETIME => 1440; # Captcha lifetime in seconds #use constant CAPTCHA_SCRIPT => 'captcha.pl'; #use constant CAPTCHA_HEIGHT => 18; #use constant CAPTCHA_SCRIBBLE => 0.2; #use constant CAPTCHA_SCALING => 0.15; #use constant CAPTCHA_ROTATION => 0.3; #use constant CAPTCHA_SPACING => 2.5; # Load Balancing #use constant ENABLE_LOAD => 0; # Enable the distribution of image files across multiple hosts (0: no, 1: yes). May not work on a windows host. Do not enable if using STUPID_THUMBNAILING. #use constant LOAD_SENDER_SCRIPT => './sender.pl'; #use constant LOAD_LOCAL => 120; # Gigabytes of available bandwidth relative to other hosts (please read documentation) #use constant LOAD_HOSTS => (['http://somesite/loader.pl', 'password', 100]); #use constant LOAD_KBRATE => 25; # minimum send rate that will be accepted without timing out # Proxy #use constant ENABLE_PROXY_CHECK => 0; # Enable proxy checking (0: no, 1:yes). Please read the documentation first! #use constant PROXY_COMMAND => 'proxycheck -s -d CHANGEME -c chat:CHANGEME ESMTP" -aaaa'; # Only uncomment if you know what you're doing... #use constant PROXY_WHITE_AGE => 604800; # Seconds until confirmed non-proxy entry expires. #use constant PROXY_BLACK_AGE => 604800; # Seconds until confirmed proxy entry expires. # Tweaks #use constant THUMBNAIL_SMALL => 1; # Thumbnail small images (1: yes, 0: no) #use constant THUMBNAIL_QUALITY => 70; # Thumbnail JPEG quality #use constant DELETED_THUMBNAIL => ''; # Thumbnail to show for deleted images (leave empty to show text message) #use constant DELETED_IMAGE => ''; # Image to link for deleted images (only used together with DELETED_THUMBNAIL) #use constant ALLOW_TEXTONLY => 1; # Allow textonly posts (1: yes, 0: no) #use constant ALLOW_IMAGES => 1; # Allow image posting (1: yes, 0: no) #use constant ALLOW_TEXT_REPLIES => 1; # Allow replies (1: yes, 0: no) #use constant ALLOW_IMAGE_REPLIES => 1; # Allow replies with images (1: yes, 0: no) #use constant ALLOW_UNKNOWN => 0; # Allow unknown filetypes (1: yes, 0: no) #use constant MUNGE_UNKNOWN => '.unknown'; # Munge unknown file type extensions with this. If you remove this, make sure your web server is locked down properly. #use constant FORBIDDEN_EXTENSIONS => ('php','php3','php4','phtml','shtml','cgi','pl','pm','py','r','exe','dll','scr','pif','asp','cfm','jsp','vbs'); # file extensions which are forbidden #use constant RENZOKU => 5; # Seconds between posts (floodcheck) #use constant RENZOKU2 => 10; # Seconds between image posts (floodcheck) #use constant RENZOKU3 => 900; # Seconds between identical posts (floodcheck) #use constant NOSAGE_WINDOW => 1200; # Seconds that you can post to your own thread without increasing the sage count #use constant USE_SECURE_ADMIN => 0; # Use HTTPS for the admin panel. #use constant CHARSET => 'utf-8'; # Character set to use, typically 'utf-8' or 'shift_jis'. Disable charset handling by setting to ''. Remember to set Apache to use the same character set for .html files! (AddCharset shift_jis html) #use constant CONVERT_CHARSETS => 1; # Do character set conversions internally #use constant TRIM_METHOD => 0; # Which threads to trim (0: oldest - like futaba 1: least active - furthest back) #use constant ARCHIVE_MODE => 0; # Old images and posts are moved into an archive dir instead of deleted (0: no 1: yes). It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you use TRIM_METHOD => 1 with this, or you may end up with unreferenced pictures in your archive #use constant DATE_STYLE => 'futaba'; # Date style ('futaba', '2ch', 'localtime', 'tiny') #use constant DISPLAY_ID => ''; # How to display user IDs (0 or '': don't display, # 'day' and 'board' in any combination: make IDs change for each day or board, # 'mask': display masked IP address (similar IPs look similar, but are still encrypted) # 'sage': don't display ID when user sages, 'link': don't display ID when the user fills out the link field, # 'ip': display user's IP, 'host': display user's host) #use constant DISPLAY_ID => 0; # Display user IDs (0: never, 1: if no email, 2:always) #use constant EMAIL_ID => 'Heaven'; # ID string to use when DISPLAY_ID is 1 and the user uses an email. #use constant TRIPKEY => '!'; # this character is displayed before tripcodes #use constant ENABLE_WAKABAMARK => 1; # Enable WakabaMark formatting. (0: no, 1: yes) #use constant APPROX_LINE_LENGTH => 150; # Approximate line length used by reply abbreviation code to guess at the length of a reply. #use constant STUPID_THUMBNAILING => 0; # Bypass thumbnailing code and just use HTML to resize the image. STUPID, wastes bandwidth. (1: enable, 0: disable) #use constant ALTERNATE_REDIRECT => 0; # Use alternate redirect method. (Javascript/meta-refresh instead of HTTP forwards. Needed to run on certain servers, like IIS.) #use constant COOKIE_PATH => 'root'; # Path argument for cookies ('root': cookies apply to all boards on the site, 'current': cookies apply only to this board, 'parent': cookies apply to all boards in the parent directory) #use constant FORCED_ANON => 0; # Force anonymous posting (0: no, 1: yes) #use constant USE_XHTML => 1; # Send pages as application/xhtml+xml to browsers that support this (0:no, 1:yes) #use constant SPAM_TRAP => 1; # Enable the spam trap (empty, hidden form fields that spam bots usually fill out) (0:no, 1:yes) # Internal paths and files - might as well leave this alone. #use constant IMG_DIR => 'src/'; # Image directory (needs to be writeable by the script) #use constant THUMB_DIR => 'thumb/'; # Thumbnail directory (needs to be writeable by the script) #use constant RES_DIR => 'res/'; # Reply cache directory (needs to be writeable by the script) #use constant ARCHIVE_DIR => 'arch/'; # Root of archive directories (all need to be writeable by the script) #use constant REDIR_DIR => 'redir/'; # Redir directory, used for redirecting clients when load balancing #use constant HTML_SELF => 'wakaba.html'; # Name of main html file #use constant JS_FILE => 'wakaba.js'; # Location of the js file #use constant PAGE_EXT => '.html'; # Extension used for board pages after first #use constant ERRORLOG => ''; # Writes out all errors seen by user, mainly useful for debugging #use constant CONVERT_COMMAND => '/usr/bin/convert'; # location of the ImageMagick convert command (usually just 'convert', but sometime a full path is needed) ##use constant CONVERT_COMMAND => '/usr/X11R6/bin/convert'; #use constant SPAM_FILES => ('spam.txt'); # Spam definition files, as a Perl list. # Hints: * Set all boards to use the same file for easy updating. # * Set up two files, one being the official list from # http://wakaba.c3.cx/antispam/spam.txt, and one your own additions. # Icons for filetypes - file extensions specified here will not be renamed, and will get icons # (except for the built-in image formats). These example icons can be found in the extras/ directory. #use constant FILETYPES => ( # # Audio files # mp3 => 'icons/audio-mp3.png', # ogg => 'icons/audio-ogg.png', # aac => 'icons/audio-aac.png', # m4a => 'icons/audio-aac.png', # mpc => 'icons/audio-mpc.png', # mpp => 'icons/audio-mpp.png', # mod => 'icons/audio-mod.png', # it => 'icons/audio-it.png', # xm => 'icons/audio-xm.png', # fla => 'icons/audio-flac.png', # flac => 'icons/audio-flac.png', # sid => 'icons/audio-sid.png', # mo3 => 'icons/audio-mo3.png', # spc => 'icons/audio-spc.png', # nsf => 'icons/audio-nsf.png', # # Archive files # zip => 'icons/archive-zip.png', # rar => 'icons/archive-rar.png', # lzh => 'icons/archive-lzh.png', # lha => 'icons/archive-lzh.png', # gz => 'icons/archive-gz.png', # bz2 => 'icons/archive-bz2.png', # '7z' => 'icons/archive-7z.png', # # Other files # swf => 'icons/flash.png', # torrent => 'icons/torrent.png', # # To stop Wakaba from renaming image files, put their names in here like this: # gif => '.', # jpg => '.', # png => '.', #); # no encoding; # Uncomment this if you uncommented the "use encoding" at the top of the file 1;