use constant S_HOME => 'Start'; # Forwards to home page use constant S_ADMIN => 'Management'; # Forwards to Management Panel use constant S_RETURN => 'Zurueck'; # Returns to image board use constant S_POSTING => 'Beitragsmodus: Antworten'; # Prints message in red bar atop the reply screen use constant S_NAME => 'Name'; # Describes name field use constant S_EMAIL => 'E-mail'; # Describes e-mail field use constant S_SUBJECT => 'Titel'; # Describes subject field use constant S_SUBMIT => 'Abschicken'; # Describes submit button use constant S_COMMENT => 'Kommentar'; # Describes comment field use constant S_UPLOADFILE => 'Datei'; # Describes file field use constant S_NOFILE => 'Keine Datei'; # Describes file/no file checkbox use constant S_CAPTCHA => 'Verifikation'; # Describes captcha field use constant S_PARENT => 'Parent'; # Describes parent field on admin post page use constant S_DELPASS => 'Passwort'; # Describes password field use constant S_DELEXPL => '(Passwort benoetigt zum Loeschen)'; # Prints explanation for password box (to the right) use constant S_SPAMTRAP => 'Leave these fields empty (spam trap): '; use constant S_THUMB => 'Thumbnail angezeigt, Bild anklicken fuer Vollgroesse.'; # Prints instructions for viewing real source use constant S_HIDDEN => 'Antwort mit Bild versteckt, Namen anklicken fuer das ganze Bild.'; # Prints instructions for viewing hidden image reply use constant S_NOTHUMB => 'Kein
thumbnail'; # Printed when there's no thumbnail use constant S_PICNAME => 'Datei: '; # Prints text before upload name/link use constant S_REPLY => 'Antwort'; # Prints text for reply link use constant S_OLD => 'Fuers Loeschen markiert (alt).'; # Prints text to be displayed before post is marked for deletion, see: retention use constant S_ABBR => '%d Beitraege ausgespart. Zum Anzeigen auf Antwort klicken.'; # Prints text to be shown when replies are hidden use constant S_ABBRIMG => '%d Beitraege und %d Bilder ausgespart. Zum Anzeigen auf Antwort klicken.'; # Prints text to be shown when replies and images are hidden use constant S_ABBRTEXT => 'Kommentar zu lang. Hier klicken fuer den gesamten Text.'; use constant S_REPDEL => 'Beitrag loeschen '; # Prints text next to S_DELPICONLY (left) use constant S_DELPICONLY => 'Nur die Datei'; # Prints text next to checkbox for file deletion (right) use constant S_DELKEY => 'Passwort '; # Prints text next to password field for deletion (left) use constant S_DELETE => 'Loeschen'; # Defines deletion button's name use constant S_PREV => 'Zurueck'; # Defines previous button use constant S_FIRSTPG => 'Zurueck'; # Defines previous button use constant S_NEXT => 'Vorwaerts'; # Defines next button use constant S_LASTPG => 'Vorwaerts'; # Defines next button use constant S_WEEKDAYS => ('Son','Mon','Die','Mit','Don','Fre','Sam'); # Defines abbreviated weekday names. use constant S_MANARET => 'Zurueck'; # Returns to HTML file instead of PHP--thus no log/SQLDB update occurs use constant S_MANAMODE => 'Manager Modus'; # Prints heading on top of Manager page use constant S_MANALOGIN => 'Manager Login'; # Defines Management Panel radio button--allows the user to view the management panel (overview of all posts) use constant S_ADMINPASS => 'Admin Passwort:'; # Prints login prompt use constant S_MANAPANEL => 'Management Panel'; # Defines Management Panel radio button--allows the user to view the management panel (overview of all posts) use constant S_MANABANS => 'Banne'; # Defines Bans Panel button use constant S_MANAPROXY => 'Proxy Panel'; use constant S_MANASPAM => 'Spam'; # Defines Spam Panel button use constant S_MANASQLDUMP => 'SQL Dump'; # Defines SQL dump button use constant S_MANASQLINT => 'SQL Interface'; # Defines SQL interface button use constant S_MANAPOST => 'Manager Beitrag'; # Defines Manager Post radio button--allows the user to post using HTML code in the comment box use constant S_MANAREBUILD => 'Caches neu erstellen'; # use constant S_MANANUKE => 'Brett in die Luft jagen'; # use constant S_MANALOGOUT => 'Log out'; # use constant S_MANASAVE => 'Remember me on this computer'; # Defines Label for the login cookie checbox use constant S_MANASUB => 'Zackzack'; # Defines name for submit button in Manager Mode use constant S_NOTAGS => 'HTML-tags erlaubt. Es findet keine Formatierung statt, fuer Absaetze und Zeilenumbrueche muss HTML verwendet werden.'; # Prints message on Management Board use constant S_MPDELETEIP => 'Alles loeschen'; use constant S_MPDELETE => 'Loeschen'; # Defines for deletion button in Management Panel use constant S_MPARCHIVE => 'Archive'; use constant S_MPRESET => 'Reset'; # Defines name for field reset button in Management Panel use constant S_MPONLYPIC => 'Nur die Datei'; # Sets whether or not to delete only file, or entire post/thread use constant S_MPDELETEALL => 'Alles loeschen'; # use constant S_MPBAN => 'Bann'; # Sets whether or not to delete only file, or entire post/thread use constant S_MPTABLE => 'Beitrag Nr.ZeitTitel'. 'NameKommentarIP'; # Explains names for Management Panel use constant S_IMGSPACEUSAGE => '[ Benutzter Platz: %d KB ]'; # Prints space used KB by the board under Management Panel use constant S_BANTABLE => 'TypWertKommentarAktion'; # Explains names for Ban Panel use constant S_BANIPLABEL => 'IP'; use constant S_BANMASKLABEL => 'Maske'; use constant S_BANCOMMENTLABEL => 'Kommentar'; use constant S_BANWORDLABEL => 'Wort'; use constant S_BANIP => 'IP bannen'; use constant S_BANWORD => 'Wort bannen'; use constant S_BANWHITELIST => 'Whitelist'; use constant S_BANREMOVE => 'Entfernen'; use constant S_BANCOMMENT => 'Kommentar'; use constant S_BANTRUST => 'No captcha'; use constant S_BANTRUSTTRIP => 'Tripcode'; use constant S_PROXYTABLE => 'TypeIPExpiresDate'; # Explains names for Proxy Panel use constant S_PROXYIPLABEL => 'IP'; use constant S_PROXYTIMELABEL => 'Seconds to live'; use constant S_PROXYREMOVEBLACK => 'Remove'; use constant S_PROXYWHITELIST => 'Whitelist'; use constant S_PROXYDISABLED => 'Proxy detection is currently disabled in configuration.'; use constant S_BADIP => 'Bad IP value'; use constant S_SPAMEXPL => 'Dies ist die Liste von Domainnamen, die Wakaba als Spam betrachtet.
'. 'Eine aktuelle Version ist here zu finden, '. 'die spam.txt-datei kann aber auch direkt here heruntergeladen werden.'; use constant S_SPAMSUBMIT => 'Speichern'; use constant S_SPAMCLEAR => 'Loeschen'; use constant S_SPAMRESET => 'Wiederherstellen'; use constant S_SQLNUKE => 'Passwort zum in die Luft jagen:'; use constant S_SQLEXECUTE => 'Ausfuehren'; use constant S_TOOBIG => 'Dieses Bild ist zu gross, um hochgeladen zu werden!'; use constant S_TOOBIGORNONE => 'Entweder ist das Bild zu gross oder existiert nicht. Tja.'; use constant S_REPORTERR => 'Fehler: Kann Antwort nicht finden.'; # Returns error when a reply (res) cannot be found use constant S_UPFAIL => 'Fehler: Upload fehlgeschlagen.'; # Returns error for failed upload (reason: unknown?) use constant S_NOREC => 'Fehler: Kann Aufzeichnung nicht finden.'; # Returns error when record cannot be found use constant S_NOCAPTCHA => 'Fehler: Kein Verifikationscode aufgezeichnet - wahrscheinlich zu spaet angekommen.'; # Returns error when there's no captcha in the database for this IP/key use constant S_BADCAPTCHA => 'Fehler: Falscher Verifikationscode.'; # Returns error when the captcha is wrong use constant S_BADFORMAT => 'Fehler: Dateiformat wird nicht unterstuetzt.'; # Returns error when the file is not in a supported format. use constant S_STRREF => 'Fehler: String abgelehnt.'; # Returns error when a string is refused use constant S_UNJUST => 'Fehler: Ungueltiger POST.'; # Returns error on an unjust POST - prevents floodbots or ways not using POST method? use constant S_NOPIC => 'Fehler: Keine Datei ausgewaehlt.'; # Returns error for no file selected and override unchecked use constant S_NOTEXT => 'Fehler: Kein Text eingegeben.'; # Returns error for no text entered in to subject/comment use constant S_TOOLONG => 'Fehler: Feld ist zu lang.'; # Returns error for too many characters in a given field use constant S_NOTALLOWED => 'Fehler: Beitraege sind nicht erlaubt.'; # Returns error for non-allowed post types use constant S_UNUSUAL => 'Fehler: Abnormale Antwort.'; # Returns error for abnormal reply? (this is a mystery!) use constant S_BADHOST => 'Fehler: Host ist gebannt.'; # Returns error for banned host ($badip string) use constant S_BADHOSTPROXY => 'Error: Proxy is banned for being open.'; # Returns error for banned proxy ($badip string) use constant S_RENZOKU => 'Fehler: Flut entdeckt, Beitrag abgelehnt.'; # Returns error for $sec/post spam filter use constant S_RENZOKU2 => 'Fehler: Flut entdeckt, Datei abgelehnt.'; # Returns error for $sec/upload spam filter use constant S_RENZOKU3 => 'Fehler: Flut entdeckt.'; # Returns error for $sec/similar posts spam filter. use constant S_PROXY => 'Fehler: Proxy entdeckt auf Port %d.'; # Returns error for proxy detection. use constant S_DUPE => 'Fehler: Die Datei wurde bereits hier hochgeladen.'; # Returns error when an md5 checksum already exists. use constant S_DUPENAME => 'Fehler: Eine Datei mit demselben Namen existiert bereits.'; # Returns error when an filename already exists. use constant S_NOTHREADERR => 'Fehler: Angegebener Thread existiert nicht.'; # Returns error when a non-existant thread is accessed use constant S_BADDELPASS => 'Fehler: Passwort stimmt nicht.'; # Returns error for wrong password (when user tries to delete file) use constant S_WRONGPASS => 'Fehler: Management Passwort stimmt nicht.'; # Returns error for wrong password (when trying to access Manager modes) use constant S_VIRUS => 'Fehler: Moeglicherweise mit einem Virus infizierte Datei.'; # Returns error for malformed files suspected of being virus-infected. use constant S_NOTWRITE => 'Fehler: Kann nicht in das Verzeichnis schreiben.'; # Returns error when the script cannot write to the directory, the chmod (777) is wrong use constant S_SPAM => 'Spammer sind hier nicht willkommen.'; # Returns error when detecting spam use constant S_SQLCONF => 'SQL Verbindungsfehler'; # Database connection failure use constant S_SQLFAIL => 'Schwerwiegendes SQL Problem!'; # SQL Failure use constant S_REDIR => 'If the redirect didn\'t work, please choose one of the following mirrors:'; # Redir message for html in REDIR_DIR 1;